Thursday, May 14, 2009

Introduction and Welcome

My name is Catherine Walsh and this blog has been a long time coming.

I live in Sydney, Australia, and I have three daughters. My highest qualification is in literature, but I have also dabbled in (studied at various times) some creative art forms; acting, songwriting, jazz singing, dancing, visual arts, fashion.

I'm currently on three local committees and I run two community bookgroups.

I've had letters about mothering published in The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney's Child and The Australian Literary Review.

When I became a mum for the first time, I had a lot of questions. I'm interested in so many aspects of mothering: how mothers are portrayed in the media and in creative works, how mothers are addressed by the media, how the experience of mothering is shaped by social policy and political context, and how mothers can be active for change. I started researching, writing and looking for like-minded mums I could talk to. I found The Mothers of Intervention site, run by Liz Conor in Melbourne, which put me on the right track, but, unfortunately, no longer exists.

I'm now a member of The Association for Research on Mothering - Australia.

I've been gathering resources for mums, the resources I wish someone had been able to give me. So I'm sharing them here.

And I want to learn from others who think about aspects of mothering.

I'd like to eventually put it all together into a book, and maybe teach this stuff at Community Colleges. Also, I want to finish writing my musical and get it produced!

So here is the blog...

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