Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The growth of Slutwalk

I reported a few months ago that an incident at a Canadian university, where a police officer told a group of students 'women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised'. The Slutwalk they organised in Toronto was attended by 3000 protesters. The protest has widened. Slutwalks have been organised across Canada and the US, in Argentina, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden and the UK. In Australia there are Slutwalks organised in Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney. Some people are marching to empty the word of its connotations. Some are embracing the word. All are marching in protest of the the idea that any women deserves to be raped.

By the way there were ten women present who heard that policeman. The use of Facebook and Twitter spread the word. And so a movement is born.

Feminism 101

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