Thursday, May 30, 2013

Revolving Door

I made it home after a month in hospital, only to stay home for two nights and then go back in for another eight days. I had fevers of an unknown source. Hopefully I can stay home for a while now. Five weeks of hospital food is too long for anyone. Even I couldn't keep up my positive attitude to the food. The simple pleasures of a cheese toastie or a boiled egg!

It was an interesting admission because I wasn't  in my usual ward.. I was with osteo patients and drug and alcohol patients. I've been hanging out with people I wouldn't normally mix with. There is lots to say about the other patients - worlds within worlds - but I'll leave that for another time. I didn't read or watch movies or anything - the ward was too busy - but I did compose articles in my head and practice delivering English lessons.

I wanted to blog from hospital, but it is just too difficult on the tablet. 

I'll post again soon. Now I have some settling in to do at home, ie, unpack, read school notices and have a bath!


Melissa said...

Welcome home!

Melissa said...

Welcome home!

Jenny said...

Glad you are home