Saturday, September 04, 2010

Name It Change It

In Australia we are seeing a sexual discrimination case like never before, which, hopefully, has made corporations realise that sexual harassment in the workplace is not acceptable. The Name It Change It campaign started in the US last year. It reminds us of the subtle and not-so subtle ways that language is used to denigrate women, in this case, in the media reporting on female candidates. The words included on their Pyramid of Egregiousness are interesting.

Do we need reminding? Oh yes we do.

Once again. Weren't we doing this in the 1970s? Why are we moving so slowly? Will my children still be dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace, as I did, and defending themselves against language that treats them as less than fully human?

I've talked to my kids about this. I hope I'm equipping them now with the skills to say, as I've said, 'That's not OK'.

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