Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Redefine girly


This site was recommended on the New Moon site which my daughter has joined. It promotes merchandise for girls with an alternative, empowering message. Good idea, although some of them, I'm just not sure about.

The t shirts have pictures of women or girls in different professions, and a slogan to match each profession.

Firefighter - I look good in red
Astronaut - When you wish upon the stars
Police officer - Blue is my color
Breast cancer scientist - Cooking up something great - find a cure

Doctor - Call me in the morning
Director - Act like a lady
Carpenter - I broke a nail
Race car driver - I drove like a girl
Military - Don't fight with girls
Sailor - Always looking for a great sail

I'm not so sure.

I appreciate they are trying to question the stereotypes about what girls can be, and I admire and support that, but 'Call me in the morning'? Really?

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